Monday, December 20, 2010


My husband and son drive F-150 trucks.  The guys are in their “truck” phase now.  They go through different vehicle stages – sports cars, motorcycles, SUVs, and classic cars.  We had a Corvair when our son was in high school, not for driving around, just for cruising.  I don’t know much about cars, but I do like the way some cars look.  In the ‘70s my divorced Dad had a 1966 Thunderbird.  I was in high school and I thought the car was beautiful!  It was powder blue inside and out with a curved back seat made of pleated vinyl.  I drove it to school one day.  All the kids were honking and waving – Wow, I’m cool!  That’s what I thought until my friend let me know about the sticker on the back bumper announcing “Honk if you’re horny”. 

Obviously, coolness is in the eye of the beholder whether reading a car’s bumper sticker or truly admiring the automobile.  I don’t really care what kind of car I drive and it’s probably a good thing since I usually drive my husband’s hand-me-downs.  In the 1980s I drove our Corvette because we lived five miles from my office and my husband wanted to keep low mileage on the car.  I was really cool in that car but let me tell you; I was eight months pregnant driving a small car that sits about ten inches from the ground and it was really not that easy to squeeze in and out of the car therefore, this may have negated some of my coolness.

My BDIL (beautiful daughter-in-law) and I drive practical vehicles and it’s probably a good thing since the guys enjoy their automobiles so much.  My son’s truck was their getaway car at the wedding last summer.  My husband and I have pictures of our wedding car too.  The 1966 Thunderbird was in immaculate condition except for a few marks on the back bumper – where I had scratched off the “Honk“ sticker with a sharp knife!

1 comment:

  1. I've been in my "truck phase" since about 1978. Just a temporary phase, I suppose. :-)

