Sunday, September 19, 2010

CHARLOTTE’S WEB An interactive site for mother-in-laws

THE JOY – My only child married this summer.  My son is twenty-six, a college graduate, employed, and his dad and I think he’s a wonderful son.  His wife is twenty-two, a cum-laude graduate, employed, beautiful, and we adore her.

THE CHALLENGE- At a family gathering the conversation turned to Facebook postings.  Everyone in the room had a Facebook account except me.  I never exaggerate J, but this time I guess because BDIL (beautiful daughter-in-law) was there (I don’t text either although using acronyms appear to be cool), so I announced that it would be difficult for me to keep up with the correspondence since I would probably have 5,000 people contacting me.  Well, BDIL spoke up and said with a smile, “Charlotte, I think you may be overestimating your popularity.”  You could have heard a pin drop except for the roaring laughter of my sister and nieces!

I need your help.   Is it really impossible to get 5,000 people that want to “friend” a new mother-in-law?  Doesn’t anyone else understand the importance of letting a BDIL know that her mother-in-law is popular?

THE PROMISE – If I get a reasonable amount of empathy to continue seeking a confirmation of my social standing with the masses (let’s say 5000 people) then I can assure you there will be plenty of Facebook time spent on tips and encouragement from mother-in-laws shared on this site.  Come on, prove that AMILs (Awsome Mother-in-laws) can unite and make a difference.  We need each other for support!

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